To be honest, I'm happy enough to just use the default pins at this stage but this might help anyone else that finds themselves in the same situation. It does some things a little different which complicates things. Assign it to an area like your garage and click Finish. Next, add your OpenSprinkler IP address, login password, and controller name. Using all the information you have gathered. I’m actually on my second OS Pi the first one took a lightning hit and blew out the ethernet. Navigate to Configuration > Integrations > Add Integration. Now login with your new username and password in the TTlock app and add your gateway and locks (if you have already registered your gateway and locks with another account you can transfer them to the new account via the TTlock App on your phone) Step 4. Out of the box it supports 8 zones and an expander is available to add additional zones.
Which suggests that the software knows that's I've specified alternate pins to use. When the controller for my irrigation system went out I used it as a chance to install OpenSprinkler Pi. If I add -extra-cxxflags="-DMY_DEBUG_VERBOSE_RF24" to the configure script, then when I run a test, it includes the output: DEBUG RF24:INIT:PIN,CE=33,CS=37 The OpenSprinkler RPi PCB board and case makes it harder (but not impossible) to access the back row of pins which is why I was trying to use non-default pins in the first place. I also tried directly editing the M圜onfig.h file to explicitly define the values, but that failed to work as well. It allows RPi to directly access and control sprinkler valves. When the make is running, I can see it launching g++ with -DMY_RF24_CS_PIN=37 -DMY_RF24_CE_PIN=33. OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) is an extension board for Raspberry Pi (all versions of RPi). When I try to change their pins using -my-rf24-ce-pin=33 -my-rf24-cs-pin=37 with the configure script, it didn't appear the change the pins as the rpi would fail to connect to the nrf24 on those pins, but could still connect with the default pins. A Python script that checks the OpenSprinkler API and sends notifications when a sprinkler zone has begun watering. For previous versions of OSPi (1.0 to 1.

them set at the default values due to the Pis launch behavior. OpenSprinkler Pi Online User Manual Note : Instructions for OSPi 1.4 can be found in the PDF-version of OSPi v1.4 User Manual. I've connected up a nrf24l01 module to the Raspberry Pi and followed the guide, but I found that the rpi would only successfully connect to the nrf24 when I'm using the default CS and CE pins. OpenSprinkler is an open source sprinkler controller project that uses many of the same. I recently set up an OpenSprinkler that's using a Raspberry Pi and thought I could use it for more, then I found MySensors and now I think I have a new hobby It's all very impressive.