Im proud of you
Im proud of you

im proud of you

"Be very proud of your name and where you come from."I'm proud of you, not for surviving, but for living the life that you live despite those difficult times." - Denise Foster."Be proud of your choices, not your gifts." - Jeff Bezos."Living a short life as a proud person is more worthwhile than living a whole century as a chameleon." - Eraldo Banovac.Be proud of the fact that you are trying." - Richelle E. Be proud that your heart and intentions are good. You just have to make your mother and father proud of you." - Meryl Streep "Our struggles make us the man or woman we can be proud of!" - Avijeet Das.Always be proud of your accomplishments, big or small." - Ayanna Howard "Your best champion and cheerleader is yourself.Whatever you did today was the way it was meant to be. Share them with loved ones who make your heart swell when you think about how strong, smart, and capable they are. These famous proud of you quotes have been said before, but that doesn't mean they can't be said over and over again to the people in your life you are most proud of.

im proud of you

55 Inspiring Sports Quotes for Competitive Families.55 Moving Forward Quotes to Inspire Your Journey.126 Proud Parents Quotes for Graduation.You do so much that's worth cheering about.Whatever you choose to do in life, do it with pride.Nothing makes me more proud than seeing you shine. Keep reaching for the stars and making your dreams come true.I could not be more proud to walk alongside you on this wondrous journey we call life.I'm already proud of all that you will surely accomplish in your lifetime.Everything you do and learn fills my heart with joy and pride.With each day, you grow taller and older, and my heart grows prouder to watch you become something so great.I feel proud of the person you are every day.I'm proud of you for all that you are, not just all that you do.Kids who know they have love and support grow into confident adults ready to change the world. Never miss an opportunity to make children feel capable and proud of themselves.

Im proud of you